How to send your CV by email?
You are currently looking for a job , and the question of the CV inevitably arose. It is simply unthinkable today to apply for a position without sending this magical document. If you are still in the writing phase, these tips will help you with that first step. Once your CV is operational, it is now a question of forwarding it to your potential future employer. Nowadays, most responses to job offers are done by email. But how do you send your CV by email?
Choosing the format of your CV
First of all, sending a CV by email implies attach as an attachment of the latter. The choice of format is very important. Sending a CV in a format such as Word for example can be very risky. Your version of Word software may not be compatible with the version available to your recipient. If it can’t open it and is overflowing with applications, your recipient might not even bother to get back to you! In addition, the latter can modify your file at will. It is, therefore, more than recommended to choose a universal format that will protect the content of your file , such as PDF for example.
Write the accompanying email
One of the keys to sending a CV by email is of course the accompanying email. If you are responding to a job offer, include the reference of the ad to which you are responding in the subject line of your email. Your recipient will know immediately what it is about, and will know how to forward your email to the people concerned if necessary.
The actual content of your email is very important. Don’t write a six-foot long email, no one will read it! Be clear, precise and above all concise. Tell yourself that your recipient will certainly receive dozens, if not hundreds of emails to process per day, so be succinct.
Take care of the layout as well . It’s out of the question to send a compact pad or use an illegible typeface just to be original. Abuse line breaks and line breaks so that your email is airy and much easier to navigate.
Respect the usual polite formulas : “Madam / Sir”, “Please find attachments”, “awaiting your return”, “cordially” … The email that accompanies your CV must make your recipient want to learn more about you, and above all, give him the feeling that he has found the person who could potentially match his expectations for the job. So spend all the time you need to write this email , and above all, do not hesitate to have yourself reread: even in the digital age, spelling mistakes are absolutely prohibited. !
Cover letter
In most cases, sending a CV is accompanied by a cover letter (let’s say that this is more than recommended). This must be specific to the position and the company to which you want to apply. There is nothing worse than sending an identical generic letter to all of your potential employers, they will sense a lack of commitment and obvious enthusiasm from you. The most important thing is to highlight your desire to join this position and highlight the assets that you could bring to your potential employer. And above all, do not have your cousin, a literature student write the letter, you will not be credible for more than two minutes if you are called for an interview! (Spelling mistakes are of course completely prohibited.)
Once all these steps have been followed (take the time necessary for the rendering to be at the top), your CV is ready to be sent. Check your contact’s email address , reread the content of your email one last time, and above all, make sure you have attached the necessary documents . The second email “Sorry, the attachment is better” definitely won’t do you a favor.
Remember: you won’t have two chances to make a good first impression.