CV Video

With the development of new technologies, the CV has undergone many changes . The best online resume writing service you can look on this site This digital document is meant to be colorful, original and graphic. Summary of your application, this is the flagship document that may allow you to access the job of your dreams.

Recently, a whole new form of CV has developed: the CV video. This original new process will allow you to easily distinguish yourself from most other candidates . But how do you make a video CV?


Recording a video CV requires a bit of material and preparation . Your computer should be equipped with a webcam, microphone, and video editing software . Be aware of the environment in which you plan to save your video CV . First of all: there is no question of filming yourself in front of the Dents de la Mer poster just because it is displayed in front of your screen! Choose a neutral, solid background, preferably white. Select serious and professional clothing suitable for the position for which you are applying that will make you stand out against this background (no question of dressing in white in front of a white background). Finally, make sure you have good lighting that is as natural as possible and check the rendering by filming a few seconds before making the necessary adjustments.

During this test, also try to speak and make sure that the ‘we hear you correctly and intelligibly. A video CV in which the candidate is in sportswear, indistinguishable or / and not audible will simply make a one-way trip to the trash.

Finally, the video CV requires a little oral preparation. There is no question of memorizing your speech and reciting it like you could recite poetry in elementary school. The content must be mastered, in such a way that you appear sure of yourself and of what you are going forward, and above all, in order to avoid the famous “uh”. Work on the intonation of your voice . If you deliver your speech in a smooth, monotonous tone, the content may be very interesting, but it will struggle to capture the attention of your viewers. Clearly, if you are not comfortable speaking, it is better to stick to the good old paper format.

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The content of the video CV

When you record a video CV , it is not about reading your dumb and mean CV , which would be pointless. The video allows you to introduce yourself and explain to your recruiter, your background and professional experience, but also your motivations and the reason why you are responding to their offer . The video CV is after all halfway between the CV and the cover letter, because you have to create a mix of the two.

The obvious starting point is to introduce yourself . State your identity, age, place of residence and the reference of the ad to which you are responding. You are free to organize the rest of your video. State the most relevant facts for the recruiter in relation to the position to which you are applying. Be dynamic and smile, without of course falling into caricature. You should present your video CV in the same way as if you were in an interview.

Keep in mind that the video CV should be short and concise , and should last a few minutes at most (3-4 minutes maximum).

Sending the video CV

For sending your video CV , you have two options. You can either send it as an attachment to an application email. Take care in this case to compress your video well . Indeed, a recruiter who finds himself in front of a video which stops every 3 seconds to load is probably not going to finish. The second possibility is to submit your CV on an online platform and simply forward the link to the video in your CV.

For paper submission, you can insert a USB key containing your video CV (knowing that some professional PCs are more equipped with USB ports for security purposes).

If reading this article, we can only advise you to stick to the classic format . It is better to send the recruiter a simple, concrete CV rather than a half-hearted video CV. For the rest of you, get started! But still plan a classic CV in case the recruiter asks you for it in addition to your application.